Is My Engine CDI?
This instructions will help you figure out if your Large Vanguard horizontal engine is CDI or Non-CDI by looking at the parts manual that corresponds to your engine.
1. Locate your engine model and type number. This number could be on a sticker on the cowling or engraved on the valve cover.
Example of a Non-CDI engine model and type
Model | Type |
613477 | 0214 |
Example of a CDI engine model and type
Model | Type |
613477 | 0032 |
Use the following images for reference if needed:

2. Find the parts manual that corresponds to your engine
Go to and in the Download Manuals section click on "Mud Boat"

Read the pop-up dialogue and enter your engine's model and type number and click search.

From the search results select the Parts Manual

3. Identify the coils that correspond to your motor. In the Parts Manual find the Alternators, Regulators, Electric Starter, Armatures section
Non-CDI engines will have either part number 845126 and/or 843860 listed as Armature, Magneto.

CDI engines will have both part numbers 845601 and 845602 listed as Armature, Magneto.